This is a practical handbook containing 40 varied and versatile activities that cover any comprehensive range of learning themes, which are especially relevant for youth workers and training professionals. Through these exercises our aim is to enhance prosocial intra-and interpersonal skills such as empathy, self-reflexion, resilience or coping of young people, as these are the competences needed for the youth for empowered actions, to become agents in their own life. The collection is available in four languages: English, Hungarian, Romanian and Slovakian
Best Practice Guide - English
Tanuljunk emberséget az állatoktól! – játékgyűjtemény - Hungarian
Súbor cvičení - Slovak
Colecție de bune practici - Romanian
The curriculum of our one week long training, especially relevant for youth workers and training professionals. The detailed description of the activities can be found separately, as Lesson Plans. The third element of the training kit is a Manual for Participants.
Tanuljunk emberséget az állatoktól! – tréningvázlat - Hungarian
Tréningový plán - Slovak
Plan de training - Romanian
Training Curriculum- English
The handout of our one week long training. It is an additional material to the Training Curriculum and the Lesson Plans.
Tanuljunk emberséget az állatoktól! tréningünk résztvevői munkafüzete - Hungarian
Fise de lucru pentru participanti - Romanian
Zosit pre ucastnikov - Slovak
Learners Manual - English
The Lesson plan for trainers:
Tréneri kézikönyv - magyarul
Lesson Plans - English
Pentru Formatori - Romanian
Prirucka pretrenerov - Slovak