We are very happy to published article on Balaton Bulletin about LEHUA project (p. 10).
Balaton Bulletin is a newspaper for the famous Balaton Group Memebers and Followers.
In the autumn of 2018, the Milvus Group organized a series of workshops to promote LEHUA - Learn Humanity from Animals project (2016-3-HU01-KA205-002032).
The venue for the first workshop was the Faculty of Biology and Geology at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca where were present mostly biology and psychology students, interested in adult education. The two-day event was attended by a 3-member delegation of the Hungarian partner organization, and they were given the opportunity to get an insight into the interesting features of the late autumnal botanical garden. This two-day program was held on November 16-17, under the leadership of Réka Komáromi and Judith Papp.
August 2018 marked the end of one of the most important parts of the project. We have finished our last one-week-long training course, where another 5 participants had the chance to get acquainted with the idea of Learning Humanity from Animals on a deeper level. This meant that all the intellectual outputs that we had been working on for the past 1,5 year came to an end, as all the materials were now ready to be disseminated:
In Rogers Foundation we have organized a complex series of programs in order to disseminate the results of the LEHUA-Learning Humanity from Animals (2016-3-HU01-KA205-002032) international project. We have aimed a diverse target group, therefore we have organized a wider range of events.
First, we lanuched a closed group, where nine professionals (teachers, psychologists and environmental professionals) have met six times between the 4th of October and the 15th of November in the Budapest Zoo.
The Lesson plan for trainers:
Tréneri kézikönyv - magyarul
Lesson Plans - English
Pentru Formatori - Romanian
Prirucka pretrenerov - Slovak