IMG 4140August 2018 marked the end of one of the most important parts of the project. We have finished our last one-week-long training course, where another 5 participants had the chance to get acquainted with the idea of Learning Humanity from Animals on a deeper level. This meant that all the intellectual outputs that we had been working on for the past 1,5 year came to an end, as all the materials were now ready to be disseminated:

  1. Best Practice Guide, which contains more than 40 pages of great value exercises
  2. Training Curriculum, which can be done in the form of separate modules or as we did in a one-week-long training format
  3. Lesson plans, which is one of the most useful tools when it comes to leading any kinf of LEHUA training
  4. Learner Manual, which is intended for learners, who can use the manual as an additional tool to deepen their knowledge

Starting from September we have finalised all of these materials and started out on a dissemination journey, throughout which we were looking for youth workers, trainers, teachers, who are not only willing to work with the development of knowledge, but to go deeper and work with the emotional intelligence of youngsters in a meaningful way.Thanks to all the great connections that we have developed, we were able to bring the LEHUA material and workshops to many different people and places:

  • at the end of August we have multiplied the results within a group of trainers
  • November was an intense period as we have been able to bring the multiplier event to two very dedicated group of youth workers: the teachers of the Batka primary school as well as the leaders of the Slovakian Hungarian Scout Association
  • the last multiplier event of the year was held in Komarno with the participation of 5 Romanian participants, who wanted to go a level deeper in all things LEHUA

Feedback from all of these activities has been very positive, as all of the participants expressed their gratitude as the workshops brought them not only information but skill instead. Even in these days we receive feedback from previous participants who report on the changes and development that they have been able to reach by using the methods and exercises introduced during one of these multiplier events.

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