DSC09052 (Nagy)In the autumn of 2018, the Milvus Group organized a series of workshops to promote LEHUA - Learn Humanity from Animals project (2016-3-HU01-KA205-002032).

The venue for the first workshop was the Faculty of Biology and Geology at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca where were present mostly biology and psychology students, interested in adult education. The two-day event was attended by a 3-member delegation of the Hungarian partner organization, and they were given the opportunity to get an insight into the interesting features of the late autumnal botanical garden. This two-day program was held on November 16-17, under the leadership of Réka Komáromi and Judith Papp.


For the second time, we organized a one-day activity in Târgu-Mureş within the framework of which we managed to process two modules with the participants from the intellectual products of the LEHUA project. Mostly, there were biologists, Phd students, researchers, environmental educators and thanks to that we tried to sharpen the daily program for the self-knowledge and psychology aspects of the project. The biological connotation of the material developed in the project was overshadowed, but only in order to be able to show and transmit more from the self-knowledge and processing parts.

For the third time, in January, educators from Cluj county took part to a training based on the knowledge and materials that Lehua project resulted. The three-part training provided both knowledge and fun as well. The workshop was led by Noémi Szállasy and Endre Dáné, both participants in the pilot training in August sent by the Milvus Group and who have agreed to pass on the knowledge they learnt there.

Participants had an experience-based learning experience, and everyone considered the sessions were very useful and, according to them, with real skills, not only enriched with information.

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