TANDEM, n.o. founded in 2009 is a training and development organization, which through its work with individuals, communities and organizations aims to strengthen their self-esteem and sense of responsibility.
From the components, which are essential for the world's harmonious functioning, as its own main point of interest TANDEM highlights human identity. This is approached through work done in three main areas of human identity by programs and services of developing, supporting and empowering these individuals. Our three target groups are individuals, communities and organisations. We put a special emphasis on working with the Hungarian minority living in Slovakia, thus providing essential service in the field of self-knowledge, career orientation and organisational development in their mother tongue.
The main objectives of the organisation can be put into three very distinctive groups:
The first area is personality development. Over the past years we have developed a very complex model of personality development, in which we offer different services, like self-knowledge trainings. This can happen individually, or in organized groups. Another service in this area, are personality development programs on festivals, designed to suite the festival surroundings. A very good example of such a program is The Gombaszög summer camp's program, where we offer among others presentations by well-known presenters, small group activities, outdoor activities, labyrinth meditation, individual counselling and psychodrama workshops.
The second area is organization and community development. We offer organization development trainings and counselling for other non-profit organisations. A good example of such activities is our long cooperation with the organisation of the Diákhálózat (Student network),aiming at developing in the following topics: leadership coaching, strategic planning, project management, future planning and team building, just to name a few. In this area we also work on our own community development projects which consist of researches and community events. A good example of such service is our project called Életmesék in which with the help of young volunteers we collect stories from old people living among us. These stories are then edited and published in book form, thus having a chance of survival. This way we want to strengthen cross-generational dialogues and also the involvement of the older and younger generation at the same time.
The third area is career guidance and counselling. We offer individual counselling, group activities and future planning trainings for high school students, career planning seminar for university students. One of our innovative programmes in this area is a whole day festival-like career guidance program, called „Mesterségem CíMERRE?”. This program won the award for the best service in the area of career guidance competition „National price for career guidance 2013“ organised by Euroguidance Slovakia. Members of the organisation TANDEM n.o. presented the programme also in Prague and on international conference in Zagreb. The program is an all day activity, which can be divided into two main parts. Before lunch students work in groups, where with the help of two trainers they talk about self-knowledge topics, which are essential in the question of career choice. In the second half of the day, after lunch, they can choose from 9 different activities they can participate in. The main program is the Living library, where they can borrow a Living book, a person, who has an interesting job. Students than can ask questions and talk to the Living books about their careers. They can also try other activities like making a video CV, participating in a simulated job interviews, individual career counselling, the can create their own CV puzzle, motivational pie or business card, they can dress up as graduates and take a photo, participate in a game of Ludo: Apply for university smartly!, ask for information at the Infodesk, or they can be part of the Lifeline, where they have to follow a line blindfolded. This program was developed first for high school students, but in 2014 we have developed a pilot program for elementary school students, where we have a special Time machine. Students can dress up as their dream job and have their picture taken.
Projekt on Tandem, n.o. webpage: LEHUA
Komárno, Dunajské nábrežie 12. - Danubius building
1st floor - door no.209
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Web: TANDEM, non-profit organization
Facebook: Tandem, n.o.